Implementation of IMAS EOD training level 1&2 in collaboration with SMAC and “DRAKON Group”

The Serbian Mine Action Centre, in cooperation with the UK based company “DRAKON Group”, implemented IMAS EOD 1/2 course, in the period 15 January 2 February 2024.

Theoretical and practical lectures were held in SMAC Training Centre in Velika Moštanica – the former military compound “Velika Moštanica”, which was in the Master Plan of the Serbian Armed Forces, and which, by the Government’s Conclusion, the Ministry of Defense handed over to the SMAC.

The training has been delivered jointly by the SMAC and DRAKON Group and in strict compliance with IMAS test and evaluation protocols (T&EPs). All training has been delivered by operationally experienced mine action instructors, who teach in accordance with both ISO and adult learning mandates.

Among the traineees were representatives of the Serbian Armed Forces and Serbian demining company Millennium Team, as well as from Ethiopia, Jordan, the Netherlands and France.

Upon completion of the course, successful trainees received internationally recognised certification and are qualified as IMAS EOD 2 operators.

We congratulate and thank the trainees and instructors of “DRAKON Group” for their contribution to the successful implemantaion of the training and look forward to the next trainings, which will contribute to the strengthening of capacities of the Republic of Serbia in the field of humanitarian demining and mine action, as well as promoting SMAC in the international community.

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