Study Visit оf Senior Civil Servants to EU Institutions and Diplomatic Representations in Brussels
In the period from November 27-29, 2023, the National Academy for Public Administration, with the financial support of the European Union, aiming at the strengthening of the professional capacities of senior civil servants in the Republic of Serbia, as part of the training program for state authorities executives – the Honeycomb module “Becoming the EU member”, organized a Study visit of senior civil servants to institutions of the European Union and diplomatic representations in Brussels.

SMAC was represented by Tijana Cvetković – Assistant Director.
Senior civil servants had the opportunity to visit and talk with the representatives of the EU Institutions.

Mission of the Republic of Serbia to the EU supported this visit.
The visit included the meetings with the representatives of the European Parliament, European Commission/Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations – DG NEAR/European Service for External Affairs – EEAS, Directorate-General for Digital Networks, Content and Technology – DG CNECT, Permanent Representation of the Republic of Italy to the EU.