Regional Mine Action Managers Course for South Caucasus Countries
In the period from April 8 to 16, in Belgrade, Regional Mine Action Managers Course for South Caucasus countries is being held in the organization of the Geneva International Center for Humanitarian Demining (GICHD).
Seventeen participants will, in two weeks, exchange experiences from their scope of work in solving Mine Action (MA) related problems.

The objectives of the course are, first of all, to confirm understanding of the governance and liability concepts applied to MA operations, to develop good leadership and management practices by providing individual tool sets and enhancing personal leadership styles, to improve the ability of personnel to communicate with and influence staff at the operational level, to exchange of experience between representatives of different programmes.
The Embassy of the Swiss Confederation and the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany supported the delivery of this course with donations from their governments.

At the welcome panel, SMAC Director, Bojan Glamočlija, addressed the participants, thanking everyone who helped the course to be implemented since such courses represent the right way to approach solving the ERW risk reduction related problems.

He wished the participants successful training and expressed satisfaction regarding further cooperation, with the wish that by working together, applying international standards and procedures, as well as by exchanging experience within the international community, we will contribute to solving this huge problem.
It is planned that during the course, the participants visit the SMAC Innovation and Educational Park, in order to become familiar with the work of the SMAC and its available resources.