Participants of Regional Mine Action Managers Course for South Caucasus Countries visited SMAC Innovation-Educational Park

Two week Regional Mine Action Managers Course for South Caucasus countries organized by the Geneva International Center for Humanitarian Demining (GICHD) is being held in Belgrade. @gicdh

On that occasion, the participants, together with the instructors, on Saturday, April 13, 2024, visited SMAC Innovation – Educational Park in Velika Moštanica in order to get acquainted with the SMAC work, as well as with humanitarian demining related projects in the Republic of Serbia that are being implemented on land and underwater.

They got acquainted with the projects carried out by company “Millennium Team” (Republic of Serbia), as well as with the equipment and devices it uses in its work.

Also, through the presentation, they had the opportunity to learn about the work of company “DRAKON Group” (United Kingdom), which in cooperation with SMAC delivers explosive ordnance disposal (EOD) training courses in the Republic of Serbia.

SMAC is dedicated to encouraging cooperation in the field of mine action and humanitarian demining using opportunity to promote and improve relations with various mine action stakeholders, both international and domestic, through the exchange of experience and knowledge.

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