Meeting of SMAC with Embassy of Serbia and ITF held in Ljubljana
On December 21, 2023, in the premises of the Embassy of the Republic of Serbia in Ljubljana, SMAC Director, Mr Bojan Glamočlija met with Consul, Mr Milinko Špica, and the representative of ITF Enhancing Human Security, Mr Gregor Sančanin.

SMAC Director informed the representative of the Embassy about the competences and activities of SMAC, as well as about the results achieved in the previous period. He also presented the current situation regarding explosive remnants of war In the territory of the Republic of Serbia, as well as the needs and challenges of our country in the field of mine action.
The representative of ITF Enhancing Human Security used this opportunity to review the results achieved in the previous period in securing donations for the implementation of mine clearance and cluster munitions cleaning projects in the Republic of Serbia, as well as in securing donations for aid projects from 2022. mine victims.
All parties expressed interest in encouraging cooperation on the improvement of mine action and humanitarian demining in the Republic of Serbia.