Presentation of Sensys Devices

In the period 06-07 August 2024, on the testing ground within the SMAC Innovation and Educational Park in Velika Moštanica, Sensys – the company specialized in the production of magnetic and electromagnetic survey systems and components, held a presentation on the work of its devices.

In addition to SMAC representatives, the presentation was also attended by representatives of Serbian demining company Millennium Team.

The presentation included magnetometers MagDrone R3 and MagDrone R4, whose technical characteristics and capabilities were presented in more detail to the attendees through practical work with the use of a drone on the training ground.

The MagDrone R3 is a ultra portable magnetometer survey kit to be attached to any UAV / drone with a minimum payload of 1kg, while the MagDroneR4 is an ultra-portable magnetometer survey kit with five 3-axis sensors that can be attached to any drone (UAV) with a payload of >1500g.

On this occasion, systems with sensors that can be controlled manually or that can be attached to a quad were also presented – Sensys SBL 10, EMD2.2TDEM, Sensys MXPDA.

In order to strengthen capacities of mine action actors in the Republic of Serbia and more effectively solve problems related to explosive remnants of war, the SMAC continues to follow up achievements in the production of the state-of-the-art devices and technology used in survey operations and removal of explosive remnants of war.


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