Honoring and Meeting with Members of Former 505th Motorized Brigade

When the past meets the present, as was the case during the recent visit to the SMAC Innovation and Educational Park in Velika Moštanica, it becomes a moment of a deep emotional significance.

In the SMAC Innovation and Educational Park, a former military barracks in Velika Moštanica, a visit of 17 members of the former 505th Motorized Brigade was recently organized. It was an opportunity for them to recall their military days and pay tribute to their fallen fellow soldiers.

For years, retired officers, non-commissioned officers and conscripts have been passing by their barracks where they once served in the 505th Motorized Brigade, but now, seeing that the place has been restored and that the facilities have been adapted, they expressed their desire to pay a visit.

At the same time, for the SMAC representatives, to which these facilities now belong, the meeting with military pensioners is an important aspect in preserving memory and historical heritage.

Military pensioners visited the premises of the Innovation – Educational Center and learned about the work of the SMAC and the new activities that are planned and implemented in the former military facility.

They were deeply impressed by the restoration of the facility and the possibility of re-entering the premises where they once served.

Just like every year, the retired members of the 505th Motorized Brigade emotionally gathered at the monument, which was once located above the small gate and subsequently, after the closing of the barracks, moved to the village, where they paid tribute to the fallen fellow soldiers from the 1991 war, after which they continued to socialize and evoke memories about their joint military days spent in this, for them, important compound.

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