Cоmmencement of “Đorđevac -1” Project in Bujanovac
December 1st, 2023, saw the commencement of the implementation of Technical Survey Project for the Bujanovac North Site (Đorđevac 1), Bujanovac Municipality, totalling 122,200 sqm.
The project has been developed by SMAC, which is monitoring the implementation and conducting quality control over the works, while NGO IN Demining Pale, Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina, as the contractor, and NGO Stop Mines, Pale, Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina, as a subcontractor, is implementing this project in the field.

The implementation of the project has been financed by the funds which the Government of the Republic of Serbia allocated for humanitarian demining operations in the Bujanovac Municipality. These funds have been matched with the funds of the Government of the USA and the Government of the Republic of Korea, through the ITF Enhancing Human Security.

It is the project whose implementation contributes primarily to the increase of the safety of the local population, but also to the fulfilment of the international obligations undertaken by Serbia in accordance with the AP Mine Ban Convention.
Company “Minemon” ltd., Pale, Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina, has been engaged by the ITF and donors as a monitoring organization for this project.

The project is being implemented in coordination with SMAC, the Ministry of Interior, Serbian Army, as well as the local authorities.