Commencement of EOD 1/2 Training in Collaboration with SMAC and DRAKON Group

In collaboration with the SMAC and the UK based company DRAKON Group, on Monday, September 9, 2024, the international explosive ordnance disposal training course – level 1/2 (EOD level 1/2) began.

The training is delivered in the SMAC Innovation-Educational Park and will last until September 27, 2024.

Participants from the United Kingdom, Canada, Ethiopia, Switzerland and Bosnia and Herzegovina, through a three-week program, which includes theoretical and practical part, acquire the knowledge and skills needed to respond to challenges in the field of handling explosive ordnance.

EOD training is extremely important for community safety because effective handling of explosive ordnance reduces the risk of accidents, injuries and deaths.

IMAS conducted training allows different countries and organizations to cooperate and coordinate their efforts to combat threats from explosive ordnance.


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