Оnline Workshop On Reporting: AP Mine Ban Convention Article 7 Transparency Reports And Oslo Action Plan

On March 28, 2024, the Implementation Support Unit of the Anti-Personnel Mine Ban  Convention (Ottawa Convention) organized an online workshop dedicated to the Article 7 Transparency Reports and the Oslo Action Plan, which was attended by the Serbian Mine Action Centre and the Ministry of Labour, Employment, Veteran and Social Policy.

The Republic of Serbia, as one of the Member States, has undertaken the obligation to submit a report under Article 7 of the Ottawa Convention and the Oslo Action Plan on the implementation of activities related to demining, which is the responsibility of the SMAC, as well as regarding mine victims assistance, which is under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Labour, Employment, Veteran and Social Policy.

This workshop has highlighted the tools and support available to Member States in preparing their reports, including the introduction of an online reporting format.

Information on the work of the President and the Committees of the Convention in 2024 was also shared.

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