Festive Ethno Network Bazaar at British Embassy

Serbian Mine Action Centre Director, Mr Bojan Glamočlija, attended the reception at the British Embassy ​​organized on the occasion of the support to the economic empowerment of women through the promotion of Serbian tradition and the evaluation of handicrafts.

United Kingdom Ambassador to the Republic of Serbia, H.E. Edward Ferguson and Mrs Caroline Ferguson hosted the Holiday Bazaar of the Ethno Network, an umbrella organization of handicraft producers from all over Serbia.

The union of artisan associations “Ethno Network”, whose diplomatic patrons are Mr and Mrs Ferguson, gathers hundreds of women artisans from various parts of Serbia, who have united with a clear goal – to preserve traditional crafts and empower women and young people from rural areas. The organization offers authentic products, as well as weaving workshops.

The event brought together representatives of governmental and non-governmental organizations, diplomats and business leaders, and was dedicated to the promotion of handicrafts and women who preserve the cultural identity of Serbia.

The Ethno Network holiday bazaar offered a wide range of products, from handicrafts to traditional gastronomic specialties, thus providing an opportunity to support local producers and artisans.

On this occasion, Mr Glamočlija expressed appreciation to the Government of the Republic of Serbia and the British Embassy for their commitment to the implementation of policies that encourage the empowerment of women and the creation of balance in all sectors.

He also emphasized the importance of continuous work on improving the position of women in society, through education, employment and creating opportunities for access to leadership positions.

The reception was an excellent opportunity for networking, exchanging experiences and strengthening mutual initiatives with the aim of further improving the position of women in society.

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