Faculty of Security Studies Students Gain Valuable Experience at SMAC

Students of the Faculty of Security Studies have an opportunity to gain invaluable experience through an internship at the Serbian Mine Action Centre (SMAC).

This internship provides students with the opportunity to apply their theoretical knowledge in a real environment and contribute to solving important security challenges.

During the internship, students are involved in various activities, including training site tour, mine and ERW data analysis, learning about demining methods and having the opportunity to become familiar with specialized equipment used in demining.

This allows them to develop practical skills and see the complexity of demining operations.

Professors from the Faculty of Security Studies monitor the students’ progress and provide them with support during the internship, which additionally contributes to their professional development.

In addition, the cooperation between the Faculty and SMAC enables the exchange of knowledge and experience, which will significantly improve education in this area.

It is expected that this cooperation will result in the empowerment of young potentials who will, reinforced by specialized expertise, contribute to the improvement of security in the Republic of Serbia.


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