PEF Procedure for Obtaining CAF Effective User Certificate

On September 12, 2024, SMAC representatives held a consultative online meeting with a representative of the Regional School for Public Administration (ReSPA) regarding the SMAC application for the CAF External Feedback Evaluation Procedure (PEF) in order to obtain the CAF Effective User Certificate.

At the meeting, guidelines and advice for further steps were presented, as well as a list of necessary documents that the SMAC is obliged to submit.

CAF – Common Assessment Framework is a quality management system for public administration institutions based on which employees and managers assess their own organization, determine their strengths and potential for improvement, and then apply improvement measures.

In March 2023, the SMAC initiated the process of applying the CAF quality management model and started work improvement activities.

After a successful external evaluation, a prestigious “CAF Effective User” Certificate is awarded, which confirms the application and adherence to CAF principles of excellence, as well as significant progress in the overall performance of all elements of business and functioning of the public administration institution, which was incited by the introduction of CAF as a quality management mechanism.

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