Explosive Ordnance Seminar Europe Held in Belgrade

A three-day Explosive Ordnance Seminar Europe, organized by “Intelligence – Sec”, a British company specialized in organizing security industry related conferences and the Serbian Mine Action Centre (SMAC), ended today in Belgrade.

The participants had the opportunity to hear lectures from numerous mine action experts coming from all over Europe, the Middle East and North America aiming to exchange the latest knowledge and practices.

Special focus was on ongoing projects carried out by mine action centres in the region, the use of the latest technologies and methods to assist in the removal of explosive ordnance and improvised explosive devices both on land and underwater.

The problem of large aerial bombs in the Republic of Serbia was presented by a representative of the Sector for Emergency Management of the Ministry of Interior, while a representative of the Military Technical Institute spoke about various types of ammunition explosives.

SMAC Director, Bojan Glamočlija, in his address, spoke about the SMAC work, projects implemented and projects in progress, as well as plans for the next period.

He pointed out that, in Serbia, the problem of mines and explosive remnants of war in Serbia exists in two municipalities – Bujanovac and Užice and emphasized that a huge amount of mine and cluster munitions contaminated areas have been cleared so far (municipalities: Raška-Kopaonik, Sjenica, Tutin, Kraljevo, Čačak, Gadžin Han, Sopot, Šid, Preševo ​​and the city of Niš).

Director Glamočlija added that there are a number of projects in progress because an increasing number of complex infrastructure projects, such as the construction of roads, factories, bridges, etc., require that locations be cleared and explosive remnants of war free.

The seminar ended with a demonstration of exercises at the training ground of the SMAC Innovation and Educational Park, as well as a display of equipment, with possible expectations for future cooperation and improvement of safety standards in the region and beyond.

SMAC Director, Bojan Glamočlija, underscored the importance of such events in improving the safety and protection of citizens throughout Europe, stressing the importance of continuous education and international cooperation in the field of mine action.

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