Police Day Marked on Makish with Impressive Display and Presence of High-Ranking Officials

Today, the Day and Slava (Saint Patron’s Day) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Day of the Police were solemnly celebrated at the “Makiš” Education Center in Belgrade, with an interactive exercise that attracted the attention of numerous visitors and everyone present.

As part of the program, members of special units demonstrated their specialized skills and professionalism through the simulation of complex operations.

Among the guests at the ceremony was SMAC Director, Mr Bojan Glamočlija, who expressed strong support to the cooperation with the Ministry of Internal Affairs оn preserving security.

In addition to him, other state high-ranking officials were present, giving their support to the work of the police and the importance of their role in the community.

This year’s celebration of the Police Day in Makiš is not only an opportunity to display skills and equipment, but also to promote the importance of order and security in society, which further strengthens citizens’ trust in the institutions of the system.

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